versiunea in limba engleza
Dintre cei care au condus destinele Şcolii Erbiceni, menţionăm doar pe cei mai recenţi:
Ioan Alistar
Gheorghe Ionescu
Alexandru Bîrzu
Isabela Curaleţ
Violeta Ifrim
Iosif Minea
Veronica Lungoci
Lorena Florescu
Acsinte Gabi Constantin
Spaţiile şi dotările tehnice ale Şcolii Erbiceni permit desfăşurarea în bune condiţii a activităţii educative.
Cele două corpuri de clădire destinate cursurilor primare şi gimnaziale cuprind următoarele încăperi:
10 săli clasă (6 în corpul din 1981 şi 4 în cel înălţat n 1964)
laborator geografie - biologie 
laborator chimie - fizică 
două laboratoare informatică 
sală sport 
birouri pentru serviciile de contabilitate şi secretariat
Şcolii Erbiceni îi mai sunt asociate următoarele instituţii de învăţământ
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 1. Bîrleşti, din septembrie 2010
Şcoala Primară Nr. 2 Srânceana (imaginea de mai jos)
Şcoala Primară Nr. 3 Spinoasa
Despite the lack of direct evidence in this sense, it is certain that already in the middle of the nineteenth century there was a primary school in the village of Erbiceni as implementation of educational policies of the governments of the time (especially the reform of education accomplished by Alexandru Ioan Cuza).   Before the outbreak of World War I, Dictionarul statistic al Romaniei refers to a primary school in the village of Erbiceni, whose students attended classes in a building that, in an advanced state of degradation, was kept until recent time.   Between the wars a new building was added (in 1921).   After the Second World War a number of changes took place. Courses for the lower secondary  began   and  two other buildings were erected:    1964 - the building where it is now the primary course;   1981 - the building for the school;   nursery school is housed in the building of 1921, repaired and consolidated.   
Among those who, as directors, took over the destiny of the College Erbiceni, we name the latest:
Ioan Alistar
Alexandru Bîrzu
Gheorghe Ionescu
Iosif Minea
Isabela Curaleţ
Violeta Ifrim
Veronica Lungoci
Lorena Florescu
Acsinte Gabi Constantin
Spaces and technical equipment of  Erbiceni School allow the conduct of the educational activity  in best conditions. Both buildings include the following rooms:
10 classrooms (six in the building in 1981 and four in one erected in 1964)
Geography - Biology Lab
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry
two computer labs
offices for secretarial services and accounting.
Erbiceni School also includes  the following institutions :
the Kindergarten of Erbiceni (90 children in 3 groups)
Birlesti  School (from September 2010)
Spranceana Primary School (picture below)
Spinoasa  Primary School


Minea Florentina
Nicorici Dana
Minea Florentina
Nicorici Dana